Safety & Certifications

Safety & Certifications

The Management Team at KJM Electrical Limited (KJM) is responsible for ensuring the development and implementation of an effective Health and Safety Management System (HSMS) and Health and Safety Policy that is tailored to the company’s risk profile.
The structured responsibilities and accountabilities specified in our Health and Safety Policy, which guide the creation, development, implementation, and ongoing review of the HSMS.
The Health and Safety Policy, Health and Safety Statement, and Health and Safety Management System have all been formally approved by the Managing Director and the Management Team.
By adopting these principles within our HSMS and applying the Plan-Do-Check-Act methodology, we identify key actions and align them with leadership, management, worker involvement, and competence where applicable. This approach strikes a balance between the system and behavioural aspects of management and reinforces the idea that health and safety is an essential component of overall good management, not a separate or supporting system.